A Holy Hibernation: an online gathering as the light retreats
Learn how to survive November and prepare to thrive all winter long.
“Notice that autumn is more the season of the soul than of nature.”
“In seed time learn, in harvest teach, in winter enjoy.”
“How many lessons of faith and beauty we should lose if there were no winter.”
**Please note this experience is postponed until 2025.
What if this upcoming season was something to look forward to, instead of something to dread?
What if there were undiscovered gifts to receive from the cold, dark, and quiet of late fall and early winter?
You’re invited to an ONLINE gathering on November 3, the first evening that daylight savings time ends.
We’ll experience the retreat of the light together in a restorative 90 minute session led by Christa, full of meaningful moments of reflection and contemplative practices:
you’ll slow down, listen deeply to your own soul, and be present to the wisdom of the season
you’ll ground yourself in Something/Someone bigger and more generative, turning inward instead of being pulled by your roles, responsibilities and relationships - even if it’s just for the 90 minutes.
you’ll learn what it means to “decorate the dark”, and how spiritual traditions have led the way.
find renewed meaning in cycles of transformation, seeing how hibernation is imperative to wholeness
explore how the grief of letting go (even the natural grief and trepidation of losing the light and warmth) is the good and natural path to more abundance
draw closer to your own needs and priorities in order to thrive over the next few months
discover new ways to experience this season with hope, peace and joy
Christa Hesselink will serve as your guide sharing some insight and teaching as well as using images, poetry, music, and contemplative practices to create a truly restorative experience.
…and it’s priced for everyone to participate. It’s only $20 per person, and if financial constraints are an issue, just let Christa know - everyone should be able to attend.
Where: Online, in the comfort of your own home! We’ll use the Zoom Meeting Platform
Cost: $20.00 (CAD) This includes all taxes.
With your registration, you’ll receive:
An invitation and access to this 90 minute online gathering using the Zoom Meeting Platform (you can participate with your screen on or off).
An opportunity to gather with people from all over North America heading into their own hibernation
The gathering will be recorded and you will receive the recording afterwards in case you were unable to attend live on November 3.
Follow up resource that includes:
Supportive reflection questions & journal prompts
Poems and Prayers and Inspiring Quotes to use all season long
A reflective self-guided walking experience that helps you tune into the season
Music Playlist with hours of gorgeous music to amplify your holy hibernation
50% off coupon for Slow Advent which helps you reflect & enjoy the Advent season this December. New this year: LIVE 30 minute “SLOW DOWN’S” on Zoom on the four Sundays of Advent, 8:30pm - 9pm EST
Simply click the ‘add to cart’ button below to get started!. You’ll receive an email acknowledging your registration within 48-72 hours.
*NOTE: This experience is postponed until 2025.
“Plants and animals don’t fight the winter; they don’t pretend it’s not happening and attempt to carry on living the same lives that they lived in the summer. They prepare. They adapt. They perform extraordinary acts of metamorphosis to get them through. Winter is a time of withdrawing from the world, maximising scant resources, carrying out acts of brutal efficiency and vanishing from sight; but that’s where the transformation occurs. Winter is not the death of the life cycle, but its crucible.”
You might also like: The Year That Was & The One to Come
Each year that passes is unique.
Individually, and collectively, we all go through the 365 days of the year bravely, never knowing what tomorrow holds.
Your own individual path has held profound moments since the turn of the calendar year many months ago - moments that have shaped your present and will shape the year to come.
It’s no wonder that so many of us have an impulse to reflect on the events of our year, how they’ve shaped us, the lessons we’ve learned, and taking time to intentionally imagine the year to come.
In this DIY online experience, Christa will thoughtfully guide you through soul-centered reflection and experiential exercises that will give you the tools to process your year, know yourself better, and take your next right step for the year to come.
You’ll walk away with calm-clarity and centered-hope for the days ahead.
This online experience is designed to refresh you and help you:
REVIEW: Identify your own key soul-shaping moments from the previous year
REFLECT: Take time to discover what truly moved you and its impact on you
REFRAME: Address this year’s disappointments, challenges, and pain with gentleness & ground yourself in what is most true
RECLAIM: Make a realistic ‘plan’ to re-align and find resilient ways of living well in the year to come