An Altar in the World
Reading Resource Guide
You are about to embark on a beautiful journey with An Altar in the World by Barbara Brown Taylor. Such a timely resource!
Please find ALL SIX Reading Resource Guides to support your reading experience. Take your time with each chapter and savour the resource experiences provided.
*Click the link buttons below to be directed to each Reading Resource Page.
For each of the Reading Resource pages, the PASSWORD is : altar
You may want to book mark this page and return to it as you want to access all the resources.
Reading Plan
While you can read at your own pace, here is a suggested reading guide to savour & finish the book in three months.
Week One: Reading Resource #1
Introduction & Chapter 1: The Practice of Waking Up to God - Vision
Week 2 & 3: Reading Resource #2
Chapters 2: The Practice of Paying Attention - Reverence
Chapter 3: The Practice of Wearing Skin – Incarnation
Week 4 & 5: Resource #3
Chapter 4: The Practice of Walking on the Earth - Groundedness
Chapter 5: The Practice of Getting Lost – Wilderness
Week 6 & 7: Resource #4
Chapter 6: The Practice of Encountering Others – Community
Chapter 7: The Practice of Living with Purpose - Vocation
Week 8 & 9: Resource #5
Chapter 8: The Practice of Saying No – Sabbath
Chapter 9: The Practice of Carrying Water – Physical Labor
Week 10-12 : Resource #6
Chapter 10: The Practice of Feeling Pain - Breakthrough
Chapter 11: The Practice of Being Present to God - Prayer
Chapter 12: The Practice of Pronouncing Blessings - Benediction
As a reminder, all resources are online, and can be accessed at your own pace anywhere, anytime.